Naturally Even Skin Tone: Six Useful Remedies
It is the dream of every lady to have smooth skin that is free of dark spots, pimples, sunburns, acne, and other skin conditions. Thanks to the developments in the beauty industry, which is giving both ladies and gents a lot of options of having more radiant and even skin.
When it comes to having uneven skin, ladies tend to be affected much than the gents. Sadly, some of the drugs being consumed are responsible for some severe skin conditions. According to a report released by the National Health Statistics, over 62% of women in the United States who are on their reproductive age use contraceptives. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of these forms of contraceptives, either pills or IUD coil, is melasma.
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Melasma is a skin condition where there is an increased pigmentation on a particular part of their skin. Some experience enlarged pores and some blemishes which cause uneven skin. Besides, the use of contraceptives, uneven skin tone can be caused by:
• Aging – Typically, age causes some dark spots on your skin, especially your face. Although there are some anti-aging drugs and medical processes, an uneven skin tone is typical among older people.
• Scarring – This is caused by some sustained wounds that leave dark scars on your skin. That can leave some ugly scars, which will result in some uneven skin tone.
• Excessive sun exposure – Your skin usually produces melanin whenever it is exposed to UV rays. These rays are often hazardous to skin cells and can cause some dark spots on your skin. This eventually leads to hyperpigmentation.
Of course, there are other causes of uneven skin, but you need to ensure your skin remains fair and beautiful without necessarily using drugs. Here are some of the most effective natural ways to keep your skin tone even.
Six effective remedies for even skin tone
Drinking enough water
According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, an adult should take 6-8 glasses of water daily, which is an equivalent of 1.9 liters. That includes even the water in your food. In hotter climates, they recommend taking more.
According to the 2015-2020 United States Dietary Guidelines, there is no specific amount of water one should take per day. However, they highly recommend taking plain water. In every study, water has been recommended as a crucial nutrient to one’s health, and it will give you an even skin tone eventually.
Honey & Lemon Peel
You will need to dry the lemon peel under the sun and then grind it. You will mix one tablespoon of the powder with one tablespoon of honey. Blend them and apply them on your face/skin evenly. Wait for 20 minutes before washing with cold water. The lemon peel eliminates acne and dark spots from your skin because of its antimicrobial properties and some agents that lighten the skin.
Using milk paste
This is one of the most effective natural remedies for having uneven skin. It is easy to make the paste, yet its effects are evident. Milk has some bleaching agents that can easily reverse your uneven skin tone. You need to mix the milk powder with milk to make a paste that you will apply on your face.
Do this continually for some time, and you will have better skin. You can also decide on making a paste using goat milk, flour (preferably from gram), and baking soda. After applying it on your face, you should let it dry and then clean it gently, preferably using cold water.
Using baking soda paste
Reports have shown the effectiveness of baking soda in dealing with various skin issues. It makes your skin regain its even tone that may have been caused by sun or scars. You should make a paste of the baking soda using water and keep applying it on your skin. Baking soda is known for its natural exfoliation.
Lemon juice, honey, and tomato
This is another natural remedy that can correct your uneven skin tone. You will need some tomato juice, a few drops of lemon juice, and honey. You should blend them to make a paste. After applying it on your skin, give it some time and let it dry. Use lukewarm water to wash it off and finally use some cold water. Tomato is known for its richness in Vitamin A, which helps in eliminating dark spots and acne from your skin. Honey helps in having moisturized skin while lemon juice is excellent in tightening the skin pores.
Using Turmeric, lemon juice, and Yogurt
You will need to use two tablespoons of yogurt, a half teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of turmeric. Mix all the components thoroughly and apply them on your face using a circular motion. Use cold water to clean after allowing it to dry. Plain yogurt and lemon juice are known for lightening up and cleansing your skin. Turmeric is excellent in keeping your skin radical and firm.
There are multiple natural ways that can enhance your skin tone, including using a mask of cucumber and lemon juice. For these natural methods to have some effect on your skin, you have to do the routine masking consistently. However, at the end of the continuous exercise, you will be happy with the results of having an even skin tone.