Maintain Your Wellbeing During the Winter Season
Researches have shown that during winter, there are more indoor preventable accidents and injuries than any other season. It is in this season that we are likely to experience falls and sometimes fires because we are always indoors. Besides the injuries, the season comes with very high chances of having communicable illnesses like cold and flu.
Over 20% of the population staying in the United States usually experience flu and cold every year, especially during winter. Of course, our bodies react to the weather changes, but you need to take the proper diet and do some exercises to ensure that you are still healthy during this cold season.
Often, knowing how snowy the weather can be, many people forget workouts and exercises. Besides, due to the holiday parties, dinners, and the many exciting activities during this season, many don’t mind about their eating habits.
In the Winter season, it becomes so hard to find a motivation to eat well and stay fit. This is what builds up a weak immune system hence higher chances of developing illnesses. Knowing the illnesses patterns and how they occur is a significant step in preventing them even before they occur. But how do you maintain your wellbeing and healthy throughout the winter season?
Eating the right meal
One thing you should not allow is to be carried by the frenzy of your friends, and you end up eating anything which doesn’t add up to having a balanced diet. The immune system is usually affected during winter, having in mind the many unfavorable conditions around you. Eating a balanced diet will ensure your immune system is healthy, and every part of your body is functioning well.
In such a cold season, it is advisable to take more vitamins and minerals. The necessary nutrients can be found in fruits and veggies. Winter season usually comes with high cravings for carbohydrates and other comfort foods that make you happy. That’s why you need to regulate your diet. In the morning, take some protein and when your body asks for food in the afternoon give it low-fat carbs.
Always ensure that you take more greens and soluble fibers. Some fiber foods include oats and nuts, which boost your immunity. These soluble fibers are excellent in protecting you from diabetes and significantly lowering your cholesterol levels. This is great for seniors. You will also need to add Omega 3 to your diet. It helps moderate depression and reduces joint stiffness.
Having exercises
Well, if your exercises involved morning jogs, it might not be possible again having in mind the adverse weather condition. The role that is played by activities and workouts cannot be replaced by diet. You can come up with a plan of what you will be doing for the entire week. This will help you to be focused and stick to the program. You can be doing this with another person to keep you motivated.
There are many resources over the internet, including videos of some of the indoor workouts and exercises. You have various workouts like strength training, bodyweight exercises, yoga, and aerobics, among others. This shows that winter should not be a reason for gaining weight and becoming obese.
Exercises will guarantee that you are healthy all through the winter season and will significantly reduce joint stiffness, muscle shrinking, and help your cardiovascular health. Most people get stressed and anxious when the winter starts hitting. It is vital to have some understanding of how you can manage such stress.
One of the best ways of managing such stresses is through deep meditation. You may decide to develop the art of deep breathing to manage stress. You need to relax your muscles and empty all your thoughts while closing your eyes.
Having enough sleep
This may be overlooked where we assume that sleeping is not the real thing that contributes to our health. During winter, as an adult, it is advisable that you take your nap for at least 8 hours. You may be surprised to know that sleep has a direct effect on the immune system and general mental health.
There are also some people you severe flu, especially if you have an underlying illness or condition. This is where you need to speak to your doctor or pharmacist to get the right protection like the flu vaccine. Winter is a season of recuperating and resting; hence, you need adequate rest.
Always staying warm
One device you cannot afford missing in your house is the AC. Staying warm in such a cold season is a must. Besides wearing hoods and heavy sweaters, you will need to keep your home warm. Make sure that the overall temperature in your house should be 18-20 degrees Celcius.
If you are going to walk in the snow, ensure your shoes have good grips that will prevent you from sliding and falling. Injuries are many in the winter season, and you should not be among the statistics. Remember, gloves and socks is must have to keep warm.
Keeping clean
This involves bathing and keeping your house clean. You should always have your hands clean. Flu and cold, which is very common during winter, can be readily passed to the next person through a simple handshake. You should use enough soap and water to keep your hands clean.
Get Social
To cover your essential aspects of life, you will need a social life. Now that you have eaten well, you are well clothed, you have done the right exercises, and you are clean, the next thing you need is to get social. Winter has many activities which you can get involved in including Christmas celebrations and ice skating. However, you have to be careful while riding, driving, or walking out in the snow. To wrap up the winter season, you can decide to go on a vacation where you can recharge yourself and lift your spirit in readiness to the warmer season.
Your health is the last thing that you should take lightly no matter the season. Winter is that season where your immunity should be stable and robust. Unfortunately, many people have experienced severe flu in this season, an indication that the walls of immunity are collapsing. That’s why you will need the right diet accompanied by exercise.
Taking herbs and various spices will ensure your immunity is restored. You will need onions, ginger, parsley, and garlic. You can add turmeric to your diet also Your body can develop the capacity to fight cold and other winter-related illnesses by taking Vitamin C. You will need Vitamin D to cater for the sunlight you are missing and for aiding absorption of calcium, iron and other crucial vitamins.
You can decide to be taking herbal teas to relieve anxiety and depression that come along with this season. However, all the above tips will maintain your wellbeing.
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