
How to do a Juice Cleanse

Juice cleansing

Juice cleansing is now is gaining significance to most people. Laboratory studies show that a juice cleanse can help unleash the natural healing power of your body. It gets rid of the built-up toxins, and juicing supplies your system with powerful nutrients and antioxidants. This post is your ultimate guide on how to do a juice cleanse. Let’s dive in and learn!

So How to do a Juice Cleanse?

Doing a juice cleanse is a process that requires you to take several measures on every stage, i.e., Pre-Cleanse, During Cleanse, and Post-Cleanse.

Therefore, preparation is the first step to enjoying a great juice cleanse.

So committing your time to prepare for your juice cleanse is a great way to maximize your juice cleanse benefits. It is medically fit to pre-cleanse for about 2 to 7 days based on your current eating habits and lifestyle.

Pre-Cleanse Stage

During the pre-cleanse stage, make sure you take a light and healthy diet three days before embarking on your juice cleanse to ease your hunger cravings during the juice cleanse. Include fresh organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, whole grains.

Ensure that you drink about 8-glasses of water daily. During this stage, avoid taking sugar, processed food, dairy products, caffeine, and alcoholic drinks.

Time for doing your cleanse is an essential consideration if you want desirable results. So ensure you will have free time to reflect and rest. Don’t do a juice cleanse during a significant life transition or emotionally intense time.

Attitude is yet another integral element throughout the cleansing process. Set up a goal for what you want to achieve through your juice cleanse.

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During Cleanse Stage

It’s recommended that you do 100% juice cleanse at this stage because eating slows down the cleaning process. And if you have to eat during the process, then choose organic fruits and vegetables.

You may engage in light exercises such as stretching, yoga, or walks. During this stage, your energy requirements will change; therefore, pay attention to your body requirements.

At this stage, reflective activities like meditation ensure you have adequate time to take care of yourself.

During Post-Cleanse Stage

Now that you’re done with your juice cleanse process, you can gradually return to eating solid foods. It is recommended to follow a diet similar to the pre-cleanse diet while at this stage.

Start with organic fruits and green vegetables, whole grains the next day, and so on as the days go. Your cleanse experience should help you create new healthy eating habits.

Continue taking some time to relax, so don’t jump into strenuous activities right from your juice cleanse. It is also an excellent time to integrate you’re cleanse experience back into your life.

So what are the Benefits of Doing a Juice Cleanse?

Help Reduce Cell Damage

There are free radicals which are unstable in our bodies they want to make other cells unstable. They are can easily steal electrons from the lipids in our cell linings, causing lipid peroxidation.

This condition can lead to cell damage and accelerated aging. Studies conducted after a juice cleanse process showed a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation.

Weight Loss

By doing a juice cleanse, you can lose about 4 pounds within three days. Juice cleanse is said to cause a significant reduction in Firmicutes bacteria commonly associated with obesity.

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Juices are rich in antioxidants that help in neutralizing free radicals in your body. These antioxidants help in fighting disease and reducing the risks of cancer.

Helps Digestion

Juice cleanse is said to increase bacteria associated with a gastrointestinal tract development.

Helps in Healing the Cells

During cleansing, you’ll switch to an organic-based diet, which allows your body cells to work optimally, and this helps in re-establishing efficient internal messaging and proper manufacturing processes.

Now you know how you can do your juice cleanse with no hassle. Before doing a juice cleanse, take time, and assess whether you are ready for the process. It is also essential to consult your health care provider.


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