Weight Loss

Train too Heavy – Get too Big

Fat Loss Myth #7

This myth is one of the main reasons why people fail to develop a lean fat-fighting calorie-burning machine out of their bodies. Contrary to popular belief, weight training is not just for bodybuilders, and anyone serious about losing fat should include it within their exercise regime. You need to focus on more than just cardiovascular workouts.

With images in their heads of massive muscle clad bodies prancing around the free weight room, newbies to the World of fat loss exercise stay clear of anything that looks like weight training for fear of taking on this appearance themselves. That is especially true of the ladies.

The real story, though, is that if you are looking for a toned, lean muscle-bound, low-fat body, then intense weight training is precisely what you should do. There is a straightforward reason why weight training is essential for lat loss, and that is that it promotes the development and maintenance of lean muscle mass.

Why do you want to promote the development of lean muscle mass? I’ll tell you.

Firstly, muscle tissue is what we call metabolically active. The percentage amount of your body, which is made up of lean muscle tissue, directly affects the number of calories your body burns even when you are resting. That is known as the basal metabolic rate. The mitochondria in your muscles, which is where nutrients you take in are converted into energy, are stimulated when you train intensely with weights. The more they are stimulated, the more energy they require, which means they burn up more nutrients. In other words, the more lean muscle tissue your body consists of then, the more fat you will lose.

Read:   A fat burning diet requires no exercise

Secondly, a nicely defined muscle toned body looks good! Undoubtedly one of the main reasons for losing fat is to look good in the mirror or on the beach. If you don’t develop a decent amount of lean muscle tissue, you will end up with a smaller body consisting of less fat, but it won’t have that fit and healthy look that comes from having cut muscle definition. So, low body fat levels are good, of course, but you also need to have the right amount of muscular development to go along with it.

Ok, so now you’re thinking that what I started by saying at the beginning of this myth has been contradicted by what I just said about muscle development being crucial, aren’t you?. You’re back to thinking that I want you to bulk up like a night club bouncer, aren’t you? Well, get that image out of your head right now! The truth is that muscle development happens over a long period of time, not overnight.

You will see changes to your body shape happen gradually, and you will come to anticipate what is happening to your body well before it takes place. That is especially true for you ladies out there. As we have seen before, muscle development is primarily triggered by the hormone testosterone present in the female body in much lower quantities. Unless you are incredibly gifted at a genetic level, then the fear of becoming a bulky mass of muscle is just completely irrational. It would be best if you did not worry about it at all.

Read:   Burning Fat And No Muscle Loss – Up Protein Intake

In conclusion, if you want to lose fat quicker and end up with a great looking toned and cut body that you would be proud to show off on the beach, intense weight training exercise must become part of your fitness regime.

This is “Myth #7″ in our “8 Myths of weight loss” series. To read the previous Myths, click on the following links –
Fat Loss Myth $6 – Exercise Slowly and Burn Fat Faster
Fat Loss Myth $5 – A Fat Burning Diet Requires No Exercise
Fat Loss Myth #4 – Lose the Carbs, Lose the Fat?
Fat Loss Myth #3 – Lose Fat by Eating Less Fat?
Fat Loss Myth #2 – Lose Fat by Eating Less?
Fat Loss Myth #1 – Drop the Calories, Drop the Fat?


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